This video is apart of our Ask an Expert Series where we take the top questions related to estate and end-of-life planning and ask one of the advisors from our Expert Network. This question is answered by Chris Jeter who is a founding partner of MJC Attorneys. You can watch the video or read the transcript below. Got a question to ask? Email us at with the subject like "Ask an Expert".
Question: What are popular times people create an estate plan?
There are two things that typically spark people to come see me. One is very profound, and one is not so much so.
The first one is when someone in their family passes away, whether it's a grandparent or a parent or a cousin or even a close friend. A lot of times that will drive people to start to consider these things in their own mind, and it'll motivate them to come in and talk to me.
The other time I see it a lot, believe it or not, Gabe, is when married couples are going on vacation together. They're going to the Dominican Republic. They're going to Mexico, they're going overseas. And for the first time, they think, holy cow, something could happen to both of us at the same time. That usually brings them in as well. That's typically when I see the conversations, but those are the situations that can tend to be rushed, right?
So, in a perfect world, folks would come to me much earlier, and we'd have more time to talk through some of those logistics.
Watch the full video here and connect with Chris in our Expert Network to schedule your free consultation.
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